Arielle Isaac Norman

Arielle Isaac Norman

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Arielle Isaac Norman 's Bio

True to her name, native Texan Arielle Isaac Norman is a couth, gender-flexing, blue-eyed five-star lesbian strewing eccentrically reasonable punchlines around the country since 2014. Crass and contemplative, Arielle’s act famously expands and contracts to charm whatever space she’s in, whether it’s opening for everyone from Maria Bamford to Tim Dillon, at underground speakeasies, or her own BackYard Sluts show. Arielle is creator and co-host of the cult favorite Gender Fluids Podcast and M.C. of her beloved interactive showcase, Off Script, where audience members are rewarded for quality heckles. When not practicing Muay Thai or training to run ultramarathons with one or more of her girlfriends, Arielle can be found solving the culture war by interviewing lefties and righties, tops and bottoms, fluids and squares for her current passion project, the Politically Non-binary Podcast.
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